Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Train Kiln a la Black Adler

The Train Kiln was built in 2002 by Ted Adler to support his graduate thesis research. Later it was used by Steve Schaeffer in 2005.

This is absolutely a beast of kiln, featuring a huge bourry box, a castable arch, two side stokes, a side loading door, and a damper system that can be adjusted across the flue from both sides.

Typically this kiln takes 36 hours minimum, and about 2-4 cords of wood.

This kiln was designed to produce heavy ash deposits on medium to large sized pieces...

Prior to this kiln becoming a permanent fixture on the kiln pad, Brad Schwieger would teach kiln building classes in which the class would build a train kiln, fire it, then tear it down, only to build another the next quarter. The first train kiln built at OU was in 1990.

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