The exhibition opening was well attended, due in no small part to the Southern Baptist style fried chicken buffet and cold bottles of Budweiser. In addition to show invitations and business cards, I published a 32 page full color catalog of work, which was available at the opening.

Super deluxe floral design courtesy of my sister, Lacey Brisco.

Garnitures of Vases and Bottles

L to R:
Tom Bartel, Rachel Clark, Alex Hibbit, Petra Kralikova, Chuck McWeeny, and Brad Schwieger: all the heavies in one shot.

The menu consisted of all requisite southern delicacies :
fried chicken, potato salad, cole slaw, Hawaiian rolls, deviled eggs, fresh tomatoes, pickled okra,watermelon, oatmeal cream pies, ambrosia salad, and of course, pork rinds.